
Life and business coaching

We get people and businesses
tuned for results

If you want to set goals that fit you and your business, we have a unique approach to getting you ready for the change you or your business need. Every business is different and every person is unique.

Therefore it is necessary to find the challenges and deal with the root of the cause. This is the way to make lasting changes in the core of a person or an organisation.

We create a trusted environment where you get to the root of challenges and gain the right insight and mindset to deal with these challenges.

Free coaching call

Do you want to experience what it is like to have a coach? Request a free coaching call now!

We will discuss your main issue together, completely free of charge. Click on the button to go to the application form.


What I Do

Personal coaching

It all starts with getting good insight about yourself and your personal goals.

Employee coaching

Our online coaching sessions are the most efficient way to offer your team members coaching that will bring them personal and professional growth. This increases the stability and health of you employees.

Business coaching

Together we will discover the obstacles your business is facing and how to effectively deal with different aspects of growing a business.

Are you interested in our coaching services? Contact us today.


What My Clients Say

Thanks to the advice and weekly conversations with Ingmar, I have a good mirror and I see that I am making steps to continue to grow with DZT and as the person Dennie.
Dennie Zaad
What I especially liked is that he provided insight into what qualities and skills I already possess and how I can use them to achieve my goals.

As a result, I was able to go through many steps independently and did not have to be led along.
Shalom File
During the coaching process I've become much more aware of who I am and what I can do. This gives me more self-confidence. I no longer compare myself with others, but with myself. With who I am now and who I used to be.
Jorrit Rensen
In all the life skills that I have learnt or practiced from Ingmar, I have been greatly impacted as a person. The people around me have felt and tapped from my change too, such as my colleagues, friends and my family at large in a positive way.
What I found very valuable is that Ingmar gave a different view of the situation(s) from his own experience. If you are looking for a sparring partner who can talk and share from his own knowledge and experience, I highly recommend Ingmar!
Yosta van Leeuwen

Let me introduce myself

Ingmar Caprino
I am passionate about helping people. So to really make a difference for myself and others I mixed my interests for psychology and business to help others get tuned for results.


Like on all websites… most people that read this do not take action.

If this applies to you in any way, shape or form, I would ask you to take action.

It all starts with taking action NOW, and I know this will make a great diference in your life. And I would like to be part that proces with you.

So call or email me right now.
To make it even easier for you…

You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Because there will be no charge for that introductory contact. The first coaching session is on me.

So, take that little step and let’s have a chat!